The outstanding feature of EasyCODE is the unique combination of structure diagrams and statecharts. In conjunction with the EasyCODE project environment, this produces new and refreshingly pragmatic approaches to realizing sophisticated projects quickly, reliably and successfully without overheads. EasyCODE provides all the tools you need to progress rapidly from the specification through to the finished product. You will feel at home with EasyCODE right from the very beginning, because you will achieve success immediately and sense how productivity in the team increases from day one.
EasyCODE for C/C can be extended with optional modules for project documentation, quality assurance and version controlling. The document generator provides seamless documentation on every project. With the QA module, you can track down breaches of name conventions, and in the static code analysis you will quickly and reliably find modules that are rather more difficult to maintain. EasyCODE Version reliably records functional changes in the project. All in all, these tools will provide you with a perfectly documented history of the product throughout its lifecycle.